Feature Film Melusine by Lauren Lonergan Lauren Lonergan candidate number: 1548 East Centre number: 18212 A2 Film Studies FM3 Creative Project May 2012 |
The camera travels from the image of the full moon to the forest. On screen the titles “Luxembourg, FRANCE. 1300” appear.
Her name is so familiar, known to all in Christendom as far away as the isles of Greece. She can be found running through forests and bathing in sacred springs.
Those in the northern countries know her by another name where from the glazed ice she rises.
She is a mystery. Is she a witch, a disciple of Satan? Or an angel, sent from god to deliver us from evil?
This is her tale.
A DEER is grazing on the grass under an oak tree only to be startled by the sound of a HORSE. As a reaction to this it sprints off only to chased by A MAN (RAYMOND, 20) on a WHITE HORSE.
The DEER runs deeper into the forest for its safety; jumping over any obstacles in its way.
The pace of the chase in increased; tension is growing.
A river blocks the DEER’S way; around twenty one meters deep.
The DEERS leaps over the river with all of its might and energy. The DEER makes it to safety and runs off in to the distance.
RAYMOND gets of his HORSE having seen the DEER’S escape and has a annoyed expression on his face on the notion the a DEER has escaped him.
He is the startled by a nearby sound of splashing coming from the nearby fountain.
He grabs the reins of his HORSE and ties it to the branch of a tree. He then heads towards the sound.
The sound gets louder with every step he takes and soon we can hear a bunch of MADIENS playing.
There large pool of water with a waterfall pouring down from the cliffs above. The glimmer of the moonlight reflects on the still surface of the water.
It is a deserted place. No one is there. No MADIENS playing.
RAYMOND looks confused but he is thirsty so he goes over to the fountain to take a fresh drink.
Over the water he sees a something dark, moving deep in the water.
There is greenish shadow in the depths; is it a great fish or a drowned body?
RAYMOND moves closer.
There is a great splash. He is pulled in.
RAYMOND is struggling to keep his breath.
The strange ‘something’ that he saw before swims closer. IT looks at him; swimming around.
We see what IT is. IT is a WOMAN. Her features are blurred.
RAYMOND blinks.
RAYMOND is in his bed. His eyes wide open. Was it a dream? Was it a warning of what is to come? Was it a memory? It is unclear.
Fade to:
A tournament ground filled with MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN in bright stalls; cheering with all of their might.
The NOBLITY (DUKES, COUNTS, LORDS along with their WIFES) of the country sit in a high standing stalls; sitting on golden chairs watching the entertainment.
Flags are flying. Coats of arms of the KNIGHTS taking place are placed onto a large wooden board.
The crowd is so excited. Their cheering can be heard from miles away.
TWO KNIGHTS in shiny armor enter the jousting ground; their identity’s a secret. A metal pole divides the ground.
The TWO KNIGHTS then charge at each other, their jousting lances out ready.
As they get closer the crowd gets louder.
Finally, ONE KNIGHT knocks the OTHER KNIGHT almost of his horse.
Victorious, the succeeding knight takes of his helmet off to reveal it is RAYMOND.
A WOMAN (MELUSINE, 18), the same woman from the dream, stands out from the crowd.
RAYMOND sees her and jumps off his horse.
MELUSINE then starts to walk out of the stall she is in and leaves the ground.
RAYMOND hurries after her.
PEASANTS are in the market place buying from stalls selling cloth, vegetables, eggs etc.
The market place is dirty and muddy. There are farm animals in their pens.
A MAN is in the stocks. PEOPLE are throwing rotten vegetables at him.
CHILDREN are playing in large groups; making large groups. MARKET SELLERS are shouting trying to grab attention.
RAYMOND finally enters the market place searching for MELUSINE. But she is nowhere to be seen even though she ran this way.
A cart pulled by a horse arrives in the market place.
The PEOPLE run towards it. RAYMOND is swept into this tidal wave of people.
A WOMAN (25) is forced out of the back by TWO MEN in black. As she is forced through the crowd; her hands tied in front of her, PEOPLE start shouting “WITCH!” while others make the sign of the cross.
She is forced to a high platform with a stake rising from it.
The PEOPLE start to circle around it.
Please, have mercy.
She looks terrified as she is tied to the stake.
RAYMOND is watching this. He looks like he is going to be sick at the thought of what is going to take place.
Hay and wood are laid against the stake.
An OFFICAL (41) and a PRIEST (58) arrive.
The WOMAN is terrified; screaming in the hope that this is not happening.
The OFFICAL clears his throat and everyone quiets down.
You have been found guilty of witchcraft which the penalty is death. May God mercy on your soul, which will surely burn in hell.
RAYMOND is very comfortable at being there to watch this WOMAN die.
In nomine Patris, et Fillii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
As the PRIEST says this EVERYBODY in the crowd make the sign of the cross.
The wood and hay are then set on fire.
The WOMAN screams in agony.
RAYMOND is sickened by this that he leaves.
The flames have grown high and the smoke clouds the sky.
Witchcraft. Work of the devil. Feared throughout the land.
This is a time where innocent young women are accused and burnt at the stake by men of high birth for the crime of witchcraft.
A terrible fate awaits them, so the church tells us.
When we compare the present life of men on Earth with their time of which we have no knowledge; it seems like the swift flight of a single sparrow through a banqueting hall on a winter’s day.
After a few moments of comfort, he vanishes from sight into the world which he came.
Even so, man appears on Earth for a little while but what went before this or what will follow we know nothing.
A WHITE DOVE flies out from the smoke and out over the town walls; soaring as high as it can get.
We follow it. Over the country land. PEASANTS are working in the fields; trying to earn a living.
Time soon passes by. The sun sets and the moon rises.
The camera pans down from the dove still flying to the fountain that was seen before.
MELUSINE, ALONG WITH TWO WOMEN (MELILOT, 18) and (PALATINE, 18) are wearing white dresses, are playing in the water; swimming, splashing one another etc.
They stop suddenly at the sound of a twig breaking. They then take cover under the water.
RAYMOND comes out of the shadows; amazed at what he has witnessed.
RAYMOND comes forward and stands at the edge.
MELUSINE rises from the water.
He smiles at her and she smiles back.
Fade to:
It is implied that time has passed.
The chapel is small. There are flowers and religious symbols.
The PRIEST, from the burning, is standing at the font with his best robes on.
NOBLES are sitting on the benches facing the front; gossiping among themselves.
RAYMOND stands anxiously waiting in a golden silk outfit.
MELUSINE enters; dressed entirely in white.
A CHOIR OF BOYS start to sing.
When MELUSINE makes it up the alter, the PRIEST begins the service.
Congregatique sunt in conspectu Dei: coniungere allmighty hunc et hanc mulierem in sacro matromony.
MELUSINE and RAYMOND kneel and take each other’s hand.
Fade to:
MINSTERALS and TRUOBUDOURS, MAGICANS, JUGGLERS, JESTERS, MUMMERS and ACTORS act as entertainment for the celebration.
PEOPLE all over the land have come; FARMERS, LAND OWNERS, SEA MEN, OTHER NOBLITY etc.
There is a happy atmosphere.
MELUSINE is dancing with both MEN and WOMEN.
After the music finishes there is a thunder of applause for the minsterals.
RAYMOND is at a long table at the top end of the hall seated with other NOBLITY.
He rises from his seat. Everybody becomes quiet.
I wish to make a toast to my beautiful new bride. To the Lady Melusine.
To the Lady Melusine.
Close up of MELUSINE.
The music then starts and the celebration continues.
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